We went to a diner for lunch. I ordered a veggie wrap, which was a fairly healthy choice. I did have fries with it though--I'm still a sucker for fries. And then I shared an old-fashioned ice cream sundae with dd. I calculated the calories on Mobile Spark for what I ate and realized I'd only have about 200 calories for dinner. Ugh. And then I went to Sears to look for a bathing suit. I tried a few on and I was surprised to see in the mirror that I looked nicely shaped. I guess I still have body image problems--no, I don't "guess", I "know" I still have body image problems. When the scale goes up 1 pound, I imagine that my body has gone back to the same shape as it was when I weighed 15 pounds more. I think of myself as "chunky". At least I am not starving myself or doing anything else unhealthy but I think I could head in that direction if I weren't careful. It's lovely to be down to 122-123 pounds, now to get used to it and to focus on "healthy" instead of "thin". I've said that in my previous blogs, I just need to say it again, remind myself.
This afternoon I made low fat brownies with my two older grandchildren. Here are some photos of what life IS all about:
So the time with dd and the grandchildren is going along quickly. Two weeks from tomorrow I fly off for 2.5 months. Two and a half months away! Whew. I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do and when. Having 2.5 months in the UK is a very special opportunity. It's kind of like going back 30-odd years, when I lived there and have often regretted not getting about more, and having the opportunity to now DO it. I want to make the most of my $$ now so I really MUST sit down and figure out whether a BritRail pass will save me money for the amount of train travel I'll be doing. And I also need to pin down what exactly it is I want to do--see areas that are related to family or sightsee. Do a lot of walking and not worry about being alone or stick to hikes where I'll be with people. So far, however, all of the hikes that are organized are insanely expensive.
Two weeks to figure things out....
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