Friday, January 22, 2010

I love libraries!

Dh and I decided at the end of 2009 that we would cut back on our non-essential spending and make 2010 the year we grow our retirement funds. Not that we intend not to enjoy life and only look to the future. People know me better than that. No, it was just a matter of taking a look at where and how we were spending money and making each dollar count.

Now I am a bibliophile. I love books. I used to work in bookstores. Which was like an alcoholic working in a liquor store--not a good idea. I normally cannot walk into a bookstore without leaving with at least 2. Books are expensive though. And sometimes even though the first couple of pages of a book were interesting, the rest was only so-so. (Actually sometimes I've read books that started as ho-hum but then got really interesting. It's hard to tell.)

Anyway, I decided I would start using the library more. So whenever someone told me about an interesting book, I'd look for it in the library. I was amazed at how many times the book was right there or else I could put my name in and I'd get it within the week. It's silly, really for me to say I was amazed. I mean, I've used libraries before. Lots when I did my degrees. But I'd got lazy and impatient. Too used to just going to the bookstore or ordering online.

This is saving me lots of money. I've read 4 books that I might have bought otherwise and enjoyed 3 of them. And now I will finish this blog and go pick up the book I borrowed this morning. Mmmmm!

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