Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sept 22nd to Sept 26th: From the Highlands to the Rockies

I arrived back in the U.S. on September 22nd. My dh met me and we immediately began driving to Alberta to visit my mil. It was a 600 mile drive in our old Toyota and we did it in about 10 hours. Jet lagged and bleary eyed, I stumbled along with dh while we visited with mil and tried to help her clear out her house. The high point of our visit, however, was a trip to Waterton Provincial Park. As I looked at these photos of the Rockies, I thought back on my trip to the Highlands in Scotland just two months before. Both places so very beautiful, similar in many ways except of course that the Rockies are much higher.
One view of Waterton Lake from the Prince of Wales Hotel.

And another view.

Sunlight dancing on Cameron Lake. Unfortunately, the sun also reflected on my camera lens. Need to learn how to compensate for that :)

Dh, mil and myself enjoying the sunshine at Cameron Lake. One of the few relaxing moments in my "re-entry" to North America. The next day we were back in the car, driving another 1300 miles in 2.5 days.

On the way, we managed to pick up a passenger, an abandoned cat that we found wandering at a scenic point at the vermilion cliffs. Didn't get a photo of the cat, but this is the area that the poor thing was abandoned in. Temperature was about 98ยบ and she was so thin! She traveled with us all the way until we got to our dd's town in southern AZ where the animal shelter took her in, promising us that she'd be well looked after.

The three of us did see more spectacular scenery around the North Rim of the Grand Canyon though.

1 comment:

BarbS said...

Nice pictures, Val..it seems your trips being so close together, you may have been overloaded on stimulating scenery!